The company is developing Rasuwagadhi Hydroelectric Project having capacity of 111 MW. It is located in Gosaikunda Rural Municipality of Rasuwa district, Nepal. The project is accessible through Kathmandu – Trisuli – Somdang road at a distance of 130 km to the north of Kathmandu to reach Syabrubesi and then around 16 km from Syabrubesi to the project site at Rasuwagadhi. The Company has managed debt and equity structure in the ratio of 60:40 for financing the project.
The project is a run-of-river type with capacity of 111 MW. The annual energy generation is 613.875 GWh from the available gross head of 167.9 m and design discharge of 80m3/sec in Q40 exceedance of time. The headworks site is located about 400 m downstream from the confluence of Kerung Khola and Lende Khola which are the boundary rivers of Nepal and China (Tibet). The total headrace tunnel length is 4185 m up to the surge tank. Tail water from the powerhouse will be released to main river course through 659.3 m long tailrace tunnel in the downstream of powerhouse site. The project is located in Gosaikunda Rural Municipality, ward no. 1 and 2 (Thuman and Timure) of Rasuwa district.
LOCATION | Gosaikunda Rural Municipality, Ward no. 1 and 2 (Thuman & Timure) of Rasuwa district. |
TYPE OF PROJECT | Run-of-River (ROR) |
DESIGN FLOW (Q40) | 80.00 m3/s |
GROSS HEAD | 167.90 m |
HEADWORKS | Overflow Diversion Weir with side off intake |
TUNNEL LENGTH AND SIZE | 4185.0 m, Dia- 6.0 m |
POWERHOUSE TYPE AND SIZE | Underground, 76.30m x 15.0 m x 35.0 m |
TURBINE CAPACITY AND TYPE | 3 Nos., 38.5 MW each, Francis, Vertical Axis turbine |
GENERATOR CAPACITY AND TYPE | 3 Nos., 43.75 MVA each, 3 Phase Synchronous AC |
TRANSMISSION LINE LENGTH/ VOLTAGE | 10.0 km / 132 kV (Double Circuit) |
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) was signed with Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) on 14 November 2011. The revised RCOD is 30 April 2023 (17 Baisakh 2080 B.S.).
Debt portion of the project was financed by Employees Provident Fund (EPF) for which the tri-partite loan agreement was signed among Rasuwagadhi Hydropower Company Ltd., Chilime Hydropower Company Ltd. and EPF on 8 December 2011.
For Consulting Services of the Project, contract was signed with M/S SMEC International Pty. Ltd., Australia on 3 December 2012.
Generation license was obtained from Department of Electricity Development (DoED) on 6 December 2012.
For Lot 1: Civil and Hydro-mechanical works, contract (EPC contract model) was signed with M/S China International Water and Electric Corporation (CWE), China on 5 January 2014.
For Lot 2: Electromechanical works, contract (Plant and Design Built contract Model) was signed with M/S VOITH Hydro Pvt. Ltd, India on 31 July 2015.
For Lot 3: 132 KV Double Circuit Transmission Line, contract was signed with M/S Mudbhary & Joshi Construction Pvt. Ltd. (MJC), Nepal on 15 June 2017. The contract was terminated with MJC on 6 July 2022 and the new contract to complete the remaining works has been singed with M/S Royal Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. (RCC) on 1 November 2022.
The construction of Transmission Line was completed and Operational Acceptance Certificate was issued to the Contractor M/S Royal Construction Company Pvt. Ltd. with effect from 15 June 2024.
The construction of Civil and Hydromechanical Works was completed and Taking Over Certificate was issued to the Contractor M/S China International Water & Electric Corp. (CWE) with effect from 1 September 2024.
After the availability of 132 KV grid from NEA on 10 November 2024, Unit 1 (among 3 units) was successfully synchronized to the National Grid on 20 November 2024.